Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Weekend

We had a great start to our summer at the lake this weekend. 
It seemed like the kids really enjoyed playing 'together' as opposed to individually side by side. 
Too bad the warm weather couldn't heat up the freezing 55 degree water. 

my sweet little man...

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Splish Splash

When Ellie asked to go outside and play yesterday, my first instinct would normally have been "Are you crazy? It's raining." 
But really, what's a little water hurt :)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Riverbank 25K

This weekend, Jodi ran her first 25k (15.5 miles).  She has been much more into the triathlons and has not been too excited about the long distance running.  Needless to say, months of training and Saturday's filled with long runs culminated with this past Saturday.  As we drove downtown for the race through a steady downpour, we both wondered where the rest of the day would go.  Lucky for us, the rain was finished before the race started.

Here is Jodi about 100m from the end of the race...it was a good sign that she still had a smile on her face..

The triumphant runners during post race rehydration (Chocolate milk and water bottles) and carbo loading (panera bagels).

Jack's interpretation of race day...

Eleanor's interpretation of race day...

All told, Josh ended the day with a new personal best and Jodi finished right in the range she was hoping to finish.  I am thinking I might be on my own next year, though...

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Saturday, May 14, 2011


...three kids in a tub.
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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Dairy Discovery

Eleanor's class went to a dairy farm last week for a field trip. It's such a cool experience...even for us adults. I went last year with Jack and Josh was able to go with Ellie. The guide shows them the whole process from the birth of the calf through the milk leaving the farm. They actually watched a calf being born.

running the hill with friends doesn't get old

Everyone got to pick a calf and feed it a bottle. Josh and Ellie named theirs Martha

funny pose :)

Friday, May 6, 2011

9 Months

Not much new this month. Max is moving all over on his belly doing the 'army crawl', still not on his knees but pretty fast. Today I wasn't watching closely and he crawled or rather fell down a couple stairs to the landing...ooops.  
He's eating a few solids like cheerios, bananas and cheese and top front teeth are just poking through.
Love him soooo much!

Monday, May 2, 2011