Sunday, June 19, 2011

Caps for Sale

One of Eleanor's favorite books of late is Caps for Sale. This weekend while at a small store up north she was channeling her inner sales girl. I was getting ready to take her picture and she turns around with this great smile...
I love you Ellie, and all the things you do that make me laugh everyday.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Mobile Blogger

So I'm just testing out this whole mail2bogger thing which allows me to post from my phone. Here are the kids with their cousin Hailey at the Rockford summer cool.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Kindergarten Graduation and Park Party

My baby is so grown up...
It was such a memorable year and Jack has made some great friends. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

10 Months

Do you know how hard it is to get a ten month old to sit still when you are only feet away with a shiny toy (i.e. camera) that he wants so badly?

Here is what the first few attempts looked like...