Thursday, May 1, 2008

Backwards it is!

Eleanor is at such a fun age right now. She constantly wants to be on the floor exploring. Just in the past week or so she's become more mobile, however she can only figure out how to go backwards. This morning she backed all the way up into the corner with the books. Way to go Ellie!


Sarah said...

Yay! I'm so glad you're blogging! I've been craving more pictures and stories of your kids, so this is the perfect thing! Hooray!

Can't wait to see you in August!


Kate said...

What a sweet pea! I have another friend whose baby did that at El's age, and it was hilarious. I remember Jack roooooolllllinnnnnng around every which way to get where he needed to go - I'm sure he's now running with the best of 'em!

the ferwerda family said...

I love your outfit, Ellie!