Saturday, January 8, 2011

Star Wars Doll House?

Nothing brings joy to a parent like stumbling upon irrational creativity from your kiddos. In this case, I wandered into the living room to find Jack and Ellie transporting Eleanor's doll house furniture to a random location and setting up the old Star Wars crew for a little TV watching. If you must know, they spent time watching some Narnia, followed up by the football game that started out being between the Lions and Bears (Go Lions!) and turned into a game between the fighting AT-AT Walkers and the Bears (I am pretty sure the Bears don't stand a chance).
Poor Darth had to sit on the coffee table, with Luke on the floor while Ahsoka got the primo seat.

Leia and the clone trooper were cozy on the couch with R2 playing chaperone...hand check!

One big happy family...looks like Uncle Chewy swung in for the end of the game.

Note that there is a bathroom in the upstairs (I can attest to Ahsoka being very lady-like on the potty), a kitchen next to the pink box (they baked steak for know Chewy loved that), and when bed time came around, this Star Wars family definitely believes in the concept of family bed.

Jack and Ellie...thanks for a great memory.

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1 comment:

Bekah said...

This is just adorable and hilarious. Can we get Jack and Benjamin together soon?