Saturday, February 5, 2011

6 months

Max is six months old!
He just sat up unsupported tonight for the first off.
His first tooth popped through last week.
His hair keeps getting lighter, maybe he'll be our first blonde.
He eats four times a day,  and generally takes two day time naps and one catnap after dinner.
Totally easy going guy...I think he's a keeper!

Weighing in at 17 lbs. 3oz. and 27.25 in. long. As for the weight, he went from being in the 80% to the 40%...that's more like a Goad kid :)
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Kate said...

Love those little leg rolls!

Dave, Ninny and Isla said...
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Dave, Ninny and Isla said...

What a good baby. I love him. He has such a distinct look from the other two, but still totally a Goad. Miss you.