Before we left for Ann Arbor two and half weeks ago, some friends from school gave me a large tote filled with stuff to bring along. It had all sorts of fun stuff from snacks and drinks to gift cards, magazines, etc. One thing included was a large plastic cup with straw. Part of the design was the word Trust and the reference to Proverbs 3:5
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;"
I was surprised to see that a big hospital like U of M did not give out great water bottles or something to all their postpartum patients (like in GR). So I carried that cup with me everywhere. Drinking water all the time you would rarely see my hands without it during those 10 days.
We have been home just over a week now and I'm still filling that pink cup multiple times a day. More importantly though I'm reminded constantly of the words it references...Trust in the Lord!
I was ready to be home and understood some of the challenges it would hold just integrating back into life with the other three kids, school, laundry, Josh back at work, etc. I was however unprepared for others. Tuesday afternoon we had Lucy at the Pediatrician and she had lost a full half pound just since leaving the hospital. The Doctor was not terribly concerned but knowing the emphasis that the hospital was putting on her weight gain even for discharge, left us feeling like complete failures. Especially me who is the one providing the food and calories. I started to believe the lies of inadequacy and wept as I held my little girl who had clearly lost that half pound...not noticeable until pointed out. She was scrawny!
Start Wednesday morning I'm not feeling well; chills and body aches all day long. Knowing it wasn't the flu, how did I not think of it until after 5 o'clock when the doctor's office is closed...Mastitis. Here's where my amazing husband swooped in and did everything for two days. I barely had enough energy or emotion to do anything but hold and feed Lucy. After a shot of antibiotics I was feeling much better.
Friday morning Lucy had a follow up at the cardiologist. Everything still looks great, we head back again in a month. Good news was she had gained two ounces already since Tuesday.
Challenges of this week come and gone I know there will be more to come. We "Trust in the Lord with all our hearts" and know that he is Good!
The kids both wanted printed pictures of them holding Lucy to bring to school
Oh yeah and throw into everything Max dumps the chocolate milk mix all over the floor. The way he said "uh-oh" was priceless :)