Somehow I totally missed posting about
For those who don't live in Grand Rapids and are unaware of this super cool, take over the city art competition, you should check it out...
ArtPrize is a completely open competition to any artist in the world who can find space and open to anyone who wants to create a venue. The winner is chosen by popular vote. It completely takes over the downtown area for over two weeks and it seems like during that period I hardly had a conversation that didn't talk about art in some way.
Eleanor's favorite was 'Glitter Girl.' Made from thousands of multicolored sequence pinned to a board
This guy painted a canvas live every night and kept adding them throughout the week.
Behind Ellie is a field of flowers that was made from plastic water bottles painted with acrylic paints.
There were tons of really cool pieces this year. I wish I taken more photos.
'Grizzlies on the Ford'
One of the top ten finishers and a kid's favorite was these giant grizzly bears carved only with a chain saw. There were about 10 of them all in around a the fountain at the Ford Museum.
1582 Artists
38811 Registered voters
33858 Activated voters
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383106 Total votes placed