Where did the time go? Look how big they are! First grade already! I'm living out of my car back and forth to school so much.
Life seemed so simple with the kids not in school. I could hang out at the house all day crafting, playing, cooking, cleaning, my choice. I loved those days and sometimes wish myself back there. There are certainly things I don't like about school age, but the thing I love the most is watching them learn...everything. It is amazing how much they soak up daily. More often I find myself saying "I never learned that in school." Recently we've found ourselves during our morning prayer (in the sunroom or in the car before school) praising and thanking God for our mind and our brains that we learn so much and use our knowlege to serve him and bless others.
parent teacher conferences this week...Jack's teacher had them all write a little note. He specifically asked if he could write to all of us instead of just parents. It's so sweet, I think this is one we'll keeping around for a while :)
so. precious.
Sweetest letter ever. Wish we could freeze the cuteness. Lots of love to all of you.
love,love,love your comment "to the moon and back"
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