Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Mansion Reunion

This past weekend I was in Kansas City with my college roommates for a reunion. It was such a great time of being together and sharing life for even a brief time. We laughed, cried, worshiped together ate delicious food, shopped, watched a movie and even laid in the sun. Unfortunately we were not complete...Jessica, Renee, and Sarah, you were greatly missed! Until next time...

Lunch after Church on Sunday

Kate Oates, America's Next Top Model
Sweet Annie Jane spent most of the weekend with us girls

Salmon and Salad for Dinner...Yum Yum Yum

I loved the mini vacation, but also missed my kiddos. David was a pretty good substitute. He and Jack have very similar personalities

The night we arrived we made our own sushi. This was actually the first time I've ever had it! Not too bad, but not amazing.

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