Thursday, October 7, 2010

Star Student

Alright, I'm a little behind, but I still had to brag a little bit. 
Last week Jack was honored in an assembly in front of the whole school for being the star student of the month in his class and displaying the character trait of wisdom. I was so proud of my little guy! Being an August birthday I sometimes second guess our decision to send Jack to kindergarten, but this was just a little extra confirmation that God has him right where he should be. 
Remember this post too...The verse at the bottom I was praying for Jack...I don't believe it's a coincidence

Lord, turn Jack's ear toward wisdom and his heart toward understanding. Give him a teachable spirit, one that calls out for insight and searches for it as for hidden treasure. (Proverbs 2:2-4) 

Even better, our good friends daughter also got the award for her class.


Bekah said...

Yay Jack!!!

Kate said...

Jodi! That is precious! Congratulations to Jack. I'm not surprised at all. ;) Love you.