Thursday, September 2, 2010

Could I really say no?

Along with starting Kindergarten comes all the fun school supplies, accessories, etc... One thing Jack is required to have is a pair of tennis shoes to leave at school for gym class. Last week I took him shopping...
 We found a good pair at Kohls, but silly me thought we should look at Target anyway.
Before I was a mom I always made comments about how dorky those shoes with lights were and I there's no way in the world I would ever buy them for my kids...
I should've known better!
The look on Jack's face when he saw these Spiderman kicks was priceless...It was almost like he was looking to me for permission to 'like' them...and the way he kicks his leg to make them light...
How could I possibly say no?
Off to kindergarten on Tuesday. I love you Jack, and your Spiderman shoes too.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Oh my goodness...I am laughing out loud! I always said we'd never own any of those cheap, store-bought princess dresses. Well, I found a box at a garage sale for $5, and now we own a collection of 6 cheap, gaudy princess dresses with matching high heals! And, the girl LOVES them!