Wednesday, February 20, 2013


I meant to post yesterday, but it got to be too late...
To be honest, it was a bit of a boring day around here. I am grateful to have slept relatively well here  the past 2 nights with Lucy and she has made leaps and bounds of progress. 
Overnight (Monday into Tuesday) she started with breastmilk through an NG tube (in her nose, straight to her belly) and her stomach tolerated that really well. In the morning during rounds I asked her doctor if it was okay to start nursing and he gave me the go ahead. Not only did he say I could try, knowing I didn't want her to have bottles, he stopped all NG feedings and said I could breastfeed exclusively for the next day and assuming it goes well, continue.
So that's what we did. Nursing and feeding was probably my biggest worry going into this whole thing. I may have even indicated it was more so than the surgery itself. This is just another one of those answered prayers that you don't have to wonder about. Like Jesus whispering in my ear, "Yes, you and Lucy can do is my blessing poured out on you."

Fast forward to this morning...
Meeting with the doctors during their rounds, they were very pleased with how Lucy is doing. She is even kind of baffling them because they never have a nursing baby in this unit. Everyone keeps saying she should be upstairs (we're just waiting for a bed to open up). As a trial run, Lucy is off any and all meds or nutrition for the day. They want to see what her levels, output, etc. are if treated as a 'normal' baby. Praying now for a good day of nursing! No one has mentioned a discharge day, but I'm confident it's coming really soon :)
We are continually offering thanksgiving to our God who alone is at work in Lucy for healing.
"Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful" Colossians 3:15

1 comment:

juliamp said...

We are thanking God with you! My heart is overflowing!