Saturday, February 16, 2013

little things

At first glance of Lucy at the end of the day you might think she hasn't made much progress. A little discouraged myself I asked the nurse the same question about an hour ago. Boy was I was wrong. Even though no tubes came out she's dropped a med here, added another there and all those numbers on the machines are changing... 
She started the day at 100% oxygen infusion and is now down to 65% (our natural air is 21%) so she's making progress and moving towards breathing more on her own. I think the catheter might come out pretty soon too...whoever thought we would be excited about changing diapers :)
She tolerates being touched much better than she did yesterday and it's the little things like putting on her own socks that make us feel like we're getting somewhere. 
Keep those lil' piggies warm and we'll see what tomorrow holds. 
"Be still before the Lord, all mankind, because he has roused himself from his holy dwelling." Zechariah 2:13


Hannah said...

So glad to hear that there are baby steps being made! I continue to pray all the time. Our God is GOOD! :)

Kate said...

Aw, sweet girl. Those early days are long and feel slow...but things will start happening before too long. Love you all and continue to pray for healing for Lucy and rest for you.

Brent and Kelly Wood said...

Thanks so much for all the updates. We've been praying for all of you and it's so good to hear what's going on and see all the sweet pictures. It's good to see she's doing we'll - we'll keep praying!