Where yesterday seemed to be more about the numbers and invisible milestones, today was much more about the visible! It all started this morning as Lucy started to lose some of the hardware. First the catheter came out and then the dressing was taken off her chest. All she has are some steri-strips over the incision. It looks great. If that were all, we would still feel great, but istead, tons of other stuff happened too.
The respiratory technician had been giving her Nitric Oxide to help calm down some of her breathing and they were able to wean her off of this. Her oxygen infusion levels have continued to drop from the ventilator and are down to 40%. At 7 o'clock tonight her chest tube (for drainage) came out too.
In recent years, Josh and I often like to talk and boast about our running times and accomplishments with one another. It's no surprise that one of the best milestones of Lucy's day is sprinting. Sprinting involves practice sessions of breathing without assistance from the ventilator. Our little girl did great (although she needed some reminding to wake up and not sleep through her breaths). From what we understand, 3 successful sprints and she is able to be extubated. She just finished sprint #2 and she did great! The next one will be around 3am. Hopefully then the tube comes out in the morning!
We are so grateful for the steps forward and can't wait to see what tomorrow holds. Thanks for continued support and prayers. We are unworthy of the attention and support we have received. May God continue to bless Lucy and her heart.
josh's face is sprinting to ectasy!
So thrilled to hear the good news! We will continue to pray for little Lucy and for mom and dad too! :-) Hope the kids are adjusting okay. Praying for them too!
Oh Jodi, your little one is so precious. Praying for you all... and our heavenly father's care for your hearts too. Glory!
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